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re-embodiment promoBLOGThe exhibition showcased seven sculptures composed and fabricated into figurative forms from a variety of materials. On a basic level the work explores the interaction and the building tension between humans and the technology that humanity has developed over the past century.  Physically the works are made from cast elements as well as from materials that have been salvaged from the discarded remains associated with industrial applications.  By collecting, cutting, and composing of industrial materials into human forms, the sculptures explore the dichotomy between human existence and vast network of technology that connects humanity.

Conceptually the Re-Embodiment works examine notions that as humans, our existence and individuality is molded from the piecing together of our experiences and environment. Furthermore, the works investigate the cause and effect relationship that technology (more specifically industry) has on human civilization as we continue to make advancements toward a more complex society. This body of work utilizes the human form to explore questions of human purpose, as well as our relationship with each other through development of industry and/ or technology.

This exhibition completed my thesis work (MA) for Adams Sate University; one of the sculptures titled “Grounded” was chosen for permanent placement on the campus in Alamosa Colorado.


